HyperPlot  v1
Bin and visualise multidimensional datasets
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
HyperHistogram Class Reference

Detailed Description

HyperPlot, Author: Sam Harnew, sam.h.nosp@m.arne.nosp@m.w@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om , Date: Dec 2015

Binning Algorithms:

Binning Algorithm Options:

Definition at line 53 of file HyperHistogram.h.

#include <HyperHistogram.h>

Inheritance diagram for HyperHistogram:
HistogramBase HyperFunction

Public Member Functions

 HyperHistogram (const HyperCuboid &binningRange, const HyperPointSet &points, HyperBinningAlgorithms::Alg alg=HyperBinningAlgorithms::MINT, AlgOption opt0=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt1=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt2=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt3=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt4=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt5=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt6=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt7=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt8=AlgOption::Empty(), AlgOption opt9=AlgOption::Empty())
 HyperHistogram (const BinningBase &binning)
 HyperHistogram (TString filename, TString option="MEMRES READ")
 HyperHistogram (std::vector< TString > filename)
 HyperHistogram (TString targetFilename, std::vector< TString > filename)
 HyperHistogram (const HyperHistogram &other)
HyperHistogramoperator= (const HyperHistogram &other)
int getDimension () const
void setNames (HyperName names)
HyperName getNames () const
int fill (const HyperPoint &coords, double weight)
int fill (const HyperPoint &coords)
void fill (const HyperPointSet &points)
virtual void merge (const HistogramBase &other)
void merge (TString filenameother)
int estimateCapacity (std::vector< TString > filename, TString binningType)
void project (TH1D *histogram, const HyperCuboid &cuboid, double content, int dimension) const
void project (TH1D *histogram, const HyperVolume &hyperVolume, double content, int dimension) const
TH1D project (int dim=0, int bins=100, TString name="projection") const
void drawProjection (TString path, int dim=0, int bins=100) const
void drawAllProjections (TString path, int bins) const
void compareProjection (TString path, int dim, const HyperHistogram &other, int bins=100) const
void compareAllProjections (TString path, const HyperHistogram &other, int bins=100) const
HyperHistogram slice (std::vector< int > sliceDims, const HyperPoint &slicePoint) const
std::vector< HyperHistogramslice (std::vector< int > sliceDims, const HyperPointSet &slicePoints) const
void draw2DSlice (TString path, int sliceDimX, int sliceDimY, const HyperPoint &slicePoint) const
void draw2DSliceSet (TString path, int sliceDimX, int sliceDimY, int sliceSetDim, int nSlices, const HyperPoint &slicePoint) const
void draw2DSliceSet (TString path, int sliceDimX, int sliceDimY, int nSlices, const HyperPoint &slicePoint) const
void draw2DSliceSet (TString path, int nSlices, const HyperPoint &slicePoint) const
void drawRandom2DSlice (TString path, TRandom *random=gRandom) const
HyperCuboid getLimits () const
const BinningBasegetBinning () const
virtual double getVal (const HyperPoint &point) const
std::vector< double > getVal (const HyperPointSet &points) const
virtual double getBinVolume (int bin) const
void save (TString filename)
TString getBinningType (TString filename)
void load (TString filename, TString option="MEMRES READ")
void loadEmpty (TString filename, TString option="MEMRES READ", TString binningType="HyperBinning")
void setContentsFromFunc (const HyperFunction &func)
void printFull () const
void saveToTxtFile (TString filename) const
void draw (TString path)
void drawDensity (TString path)
void mergeBinsWithSameContent ()
virtual ~HyperHistogram ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from HistogramBase
 HistogramBase (int nBins)
virtual ~HistogramBase ()
int checkBinNumber (int bin) const
void resetBinContents (int nBins)
void fillBase (int binNum, double weight)
void setBinContent (int bin, double val)
void setBinError (int bin, double val)
double getBinContent (int bin) const
double getBinError (int bin) const
int getNBins () const
void divide (const HistogramBase &other)
void multiply (const HistogramBase &other)
void add (const HistogramBase &other)
void minus (const HistogramBase &other)
void pulls (const HistogramBase &other)
void drawPullHistogram (const HistogramBase &other, TString name, int nBins=50, double pmLimits=3.5) const
double chi2 (const HistogramBase &other) const
double pvalue (const HistogramBase &other, int ndof=-1) const
double integral () const
double integralError () const
void randomiseWithinErrors (int seed)
double getMin () const
double getMax () const
void setMin (double min)
void setMax (double max)
double getMinDensity () const
double getMaxDensity () const
void setMinDensity (double min)
void setMaxDensity (double max)
void saveBase ()
void saveBase (TString filename)
void loadBase (TString filename)
void normalise (double area=1.0)
double getFrequencyDensity (int bin) const
void reserveCapacity (int nElements)
void makeFrequencyDensity ()
void print ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from HyperFunction
 HyperFunction ()
 HyperFunction (const HyperCuboid &limits)
void reweightDataset (HyperPointSet &points)
void setFuncLimits (const HyperCuboid &limits)
const HyperCuboidgetFuncLimits () const
TH2D make2DFuncSlice (TString name, int sliceDimX, int sliceDimY, const HyperPoint &slicePoint, int nbins=100) const
void draw2DFuncSlice (TString path, int sliceDimX, int sliceDimY, const HyperPoint &slicePoint, int nbins=100) const
void draw2DFuncSliceSet (TString path, int sliceDimX, int sliceDimY, int sliceSetDim, int nSlices, const HyperPoint &slicePoint, int nbins=100) const
void draw2DFuncSliceSet (TString path, int sliceDimX, int sliceDimY, int nSlices, const HyperPoint &slicePoint, int nbins=100) const
void draw2DFuncSliceSet (TString path, int nSlices, const HyperPoint &slicePoint, int nbins=100) const
double getDifference (const HyperFunction &other, const HyperPoint &point)
void fillCorrelations (TH2D &hist, const HyperFunction &other, const HyperPointSet &points)
virtual ~HyperFunction ()

Protected Member Functions

 HyperHistogram ()

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from HistogramBase
int _nBins
std::vector< double > _binContents
std::vector< double > _sumW2
double _min
double _max
double _minDensity
double _maxDensity

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HyperHistogram::HyperHistogram ( )

Private constructor

Definition at line 238 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperHistogram::HyperHistogram ( const HyperCuboid binningRange,
const HyperPointSet points,
HyperBinningAlgorithms::Alg  alg = HyperBinningAlgorithms::MINT,
AlgOption  opt0 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt1 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt2 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt3 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt4 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt5 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt6 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt7 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt8 = AlgOption::Empty(),
AlgOption  opt9 = AlgOption::Empty() 

Constuctor that adaptively bins the HyperPointSet provided, within the limits provided, and using the specified binning algorithm. Additionally, binning options can be selected which are passed to the binning algorithm.

Binning Algorithms:

Binning Algorithm Options:

Definition at line 48 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperHistogram::HyperHistogram ( const BinningBase binning)

The most basic constructor - just pass anything that is derrived from BinningBase

Definition at line 9 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperHistogram::HyperHistogram ( TString  filename,
TString  option = "MEMRES READ" 

Load a HyperHistogram from filename. If

Definition at line 109 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperHistogram::HyperHistogram ( std::vector< TString >  filename)

Load an array of HyperHistograms from different files and merge them into a memory resident HyperBinning

Definition at line 131 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperHistogram::HyperHistogram ( TString  targetFilename,
std::vector< TString >  filename 

Load an array of HyperHistograms from different files and merge them into a disk resident HyperBinning stored at 'targetFilename'

Definition at line 160 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperHistogram::~HyperHistogram ( )


Definition at line 1221 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void HyperHistogram::compareAllProjections ( TString  path,
const HyperHistogram other,
int  bins = 100 
) const
remember how this works

Definition at line 1045 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::compareProjection ( TString  path,
int  dim,
const HyperHistogram other,
int  bins = 100 
) const
remember how this works

Definition at line 1033 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::draw ( TString  path)

Draw the HyperHistogram - the drawing class used depends on the dimensionality of the data. This just plots the raw bin contents, not the frequency density.

Definition at line 591 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::drawAllProjections ( TString  path,
int  bins 
) const
remember how this works

Definition at line 1021 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::drawDensity ( TString  path)

Draw the frequency density of the HyperHistogram

  • the drawing class used depends on the dimensionality of the data.

Definition at line 613 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::drawProjection ( TString  path,
int  dim = 0,
int  bins = 100 
) const
remember how this works

Definition at line 1009 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

int HyperHistogram::fill ( const HyperPoint coords,
double  weight 

Fill the HyperHistogram with a HyperPoint and aspecified weight

Definition at line 262 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

int HyperHistogram::fill ( const HyperPoint coords)

Fill the HyperHistogram with a HyperPoint. If the HyperPoint has a weight, use it.

Definition at line 273 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::fill ( const HyperPointSet points)

Add a HyperPointSet to the HyperHistogram - if any of the HyperPoints are weighted, they will be used.

Definition at line 315 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

const BinningBase& HyperHistogram::getBinning ( ) const

get the HyperVolumeBinning

Definition at line 137 of file HyperHistogram.h.

TString HyperHistogram::getBinningType ( TString  filename)

Get binning type from file

Definition at line 1139 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

double HyperHistogram::getBinVolume ( int  bin) const

Get the volume of a HyperVolume bin

Reimplemented from HistogramBase.

Definition at line 1214 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperCuboid HyperHistogram::getLimits ( ) const

Get the limits of the histogram

Definition at line 327 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperName HyperHistogram::getNames ( ) const

Get the HyperName (mainly used for axis labels)

Definition at line 251 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

double HyperHistogram::getVal ( const HyperPoint point) const

Get the bin content where the given HyperPoint lies

Implements HyperFunction.

Definition at line 283 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

std::vector< double > HyperHistogram::getVal ( const HyperPointSet points) const

Get the bin content for each HyperPoint in a HyperPointSet

Definition at line 293 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::load ( TString  filename,
TString  option = "MEMRES READ" 

Load the HyperHistogram from a TFile

Definition at line 1163 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::merge ( const HistogramBase other)

Merge two HyperHistograms

Reimplemented from HistogramBase.

Definition at line 335 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::merge ( TString  filenameother)

Merge this histogram with another in a file

Definition at line 371 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::printFull ( ) const

Print all info about the HyperHistogram

Definition at line 638 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::project ( TH1D *  histogram,
const HyperCuboid cuboid,
double  content,
int  dimension 
) const
remember how this works

Definition at line 653 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::project ( TH1D *  histogram,
const HyperVolume hyperVolume,
double  content,
int  dimension 
) const
remember how this works

Definition at line 689 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

TH1D HyperHistogram::project ( int  dim = 0,
int  bins = 100,
TString  name = "projection" 
) const
remember how this works

Definition at line 986 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::save ( TString  filename)

Save the HyperHistogram to a TFile

Definition at line 1055 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::saveToTxtFile ( TString  filename) const

Save the HyperHistogram to a .txt file

Definition at line 1077 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::setContentsFromFunc ( const HyperFunction func)

Set the bin contents of the histogram using parsed function. Will set bin errors to zero and use bin centers for evaluating function

Definition at line 384 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

void HyperHistogram::setNames ( HyperName  names)

Set the HyperName (mainly used for axis labels)

Definition at line 246 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

HyperHistogram HyperHistogram::slice ( std::vector< int >  sliceDims,
const HyperPoint slicePoint 
) const

Take a slice of the HyperHistogram and return it as HyperHistogram. The slice is taken in the given slice dimesions i.e. if we had a 5D space with dims [0 1 2 3 4] we could slice through dimensions 2 3 and 4 to return a 2D histogram in 0 vs. 1. The slice in dimensions 2 3 and 4 is taken from the given slicePoint

Definition at line 719 of file HyperHistogram.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

BinningBase* HyperHistogram::_binning

The HyperVolumeBinning used for the HyperHistogram

Definition at line 57 of file HyperHistogram.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: