HyperPlot  v1
Bin and visualise multidimensional datasets
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
HyperBinning Class Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

HyperPlot, Author: Sam Harnew, sam.h.nosp@m.arne.nosp@m.w@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om , Date: Dec 2015

HyperBinning is a binning scheme where each bin volume is defined by a HyperVolume.

Finding the correct bin number is quite a compuationally slow process if one has to loop over every bin and check if a HyperPoint falls within that bin volume. It's not unusual to have millions of HyperPoints that need to be sorted into tens of thousands of bins. This would require billions of calulations. To speed this process up there is the option to build a hierarchy of bins. A schematic below shows a 1D example.

HyperVolume Numbers
Bin Numbers
| 0 | 1| 2 | 3 | 4 |

Imagine we have a HyperPoint that falls into Bin 0. One would first check if it falls into HyperVolume 0 (note the distiction here between Bin/HyperVolume Numbers as indicated by the figure). First we check if it falls into HyperVolume 0, then HyperVolume 1 or 2, then HyperVolume 3 or 4, then HyperVolume 7 or 8.

In this simple example, it took 7 operations, whereas checking each Bin would have taken

  1. Clearly as the number of bins increases, it becomes computationally much less expensive to follow this hierarchy approach.


Definition at line 82 of file HyperBinning.h.

#include <HyperBinning.h>

Inheritance diagram for HyperBinning:
BinningBase HyperBinningDiskRes HyperBinningMemRes

Public Member Functions

 HyperBinning ()
 The only constructor.
bool isPrimaryVolume (int volumeNumber) const
int getHyperVolumeNumber (int binNumber) const
int getBinNum (int volumeNumber) const
virtual std::vector< int > getPrimaryVolumeNumbers () const
virtual ~HyperBinning ()
virtual void setDimension (int dim)
virtual std::vector< int > getLinkedHyperVolumes (int volumeNumber) const =0
virtual HyperVolume getHyperVolume (int volumeNumber) const =0
virtual void addPrimaryVolumeNumber (int volumeNumber)=0
virtual bool addHyperVolume (const HyperVolume &hyperVolume, std::vector< int > linkedVolumes=std::vector< int >(0, 0))=0
virtual int getNumHyperVolumes () const =0
virtual int getNumPrimaryVolumes () const =0
virtual int getPrimaryVolumeNumber (int i) const =0
virtual void reserveCapacity (int nElements)
virtual void load (TString filename, TString option="READ")=0
virtual BinningBaseclone () const =0
virtual void save (TString filename) const
virtual void save () const
virtual void mergeBinnings (const BinningBase &other)
virtual int getNumBins () const
virtual int getBinNum (const HyperPoint &coords) const
virtual std::vector< int > getBinNum (const HyperPointSet &coords) const
std::vector< int > getBinNumAlt (const HyperPointSet &coords) const
virtual HyperVolume getBinHyperVolume (int binNumber) const
virtual HyperPoint getAverageBinWidth () const
virtual HyperCuboid getLimits () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from BinningBase
void setNames (HyperName names)
HyperName getNames () const
const int & getDimension () const
double getMin (int dimension) const
double getMax (int dimension) const
TString getBinningType () const
bool isSameBinningType (const BinningBase &other) const
virtual bool isDiskResident () const
virtual TString filename () const

Protected Member Functions

int followBinLinks (const HyperPoint &coords, int binNumber) const
void updateCash () const
void updateBinNumbering () const
void updateAverageBinWidth () const
void updateMinMax () const
int getHyperBinningDimFromTree (TTree *tree)
void createBranches (TTree *tree, int *binNumber, double *lowCorner, double *highCorner, std::vector< int > **linkedBins) const
void saveHyperVolumeToTree (TTree *tree, double *lowCorner, double *highCorner, const HyperVolume &hyperVolume) const
void savePrimaryVolumeNumbers () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BinningBase
void setBinningType (TString binningType)

Private Attributes

CachedVar< HyperPoint_averageBinWidth
CachedVar< HyperCuboid_minmax
CachedVar< std::vector< int > > _binNum
CachedVar< std::vector< int > > _hyperVolumeNumFromBinNum

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HyperBinning::~HyperBinning ( )


Definition at line 847 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void HyperBinning::createBranches ( TTree *  tree,
int *  binNumber,
double *  lowCorner,
double *  highCorner,
std::vector< int > **  linkedBins 
) const

Create the branches in a TTree so that the HyperBinningMemRes can be saved.

Definition at line 719 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

int HyperBinning::followBinLinks ( const HyperPoint coords,
int  motherVolumeNumber 
) const

Used to follow the bin hierarchy. Give it a HyperPoint, and the number of a HyperVolume (that has links) that the HyperPoint falls into.

Definition at line 398 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

HyperPoint HyperBinning::getAverageBinWidth ( ) const

get the average bin width HyperPoint (average bin width in each dimension). This value is cashed for speed - when the binning changes the cashe will automatically be updated.

Implements BinningBase.

Definition at line 619 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

HyperVolume HyperBinning::getBinHyperVolume ( int  binNumber) const

Get the HyperVolume assosiated with bin number i. This just uses the _hyperVolumeNumFromBinNum variable to find the HyperVolume number from the bin number, then returns that HyperVolume.

Implements BinningBase.

Definition at line 443 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

int HyperBinning::getBinNum ( int  volumeNumber) const

Get the bin number assosiated with a given HyperVolume number. If this returns -1, it means that the HyperVolume in question is not a bin, but part of the binning hierarchy.

Definition at line 452 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

int HyperBinning::getBinNum ( const HyperPoint coords) const

This is used to get the bin number that the HyperPoint falls into.

This is done by looping over the HyperVolumes in order until the HyperPoint is contained within one of them. When one of these is found, check to see if there are any 'linked bins' - if not, this is a true bin, so job done. If there are linked bins, proceed to see which of the linked bins the HyperPoint falls into. Continue this process until you reach a HyperVolume with no linked bins.

The BinNumber is found from the HyperVolume number using the lookup vector _binNum.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
_binNum = { -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 3, 4, 0 1 }
HyperVolume Numbers
Bin Numbers
| 0 | 1| 2 | 3 | 4 |

Implements BinningBase.

Definition at line 61 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

std::vector< int > HyperBinning::getBinNum ( const HyperPointSet coords) const

get multiple bin numbers at the same time. This should speed things up drastically if the binning is disk resident, because random access of a TTree is incredibly slow.

Reimplemented from BinningBase.

Definition at line 117 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

std::vector< int > HyperBinning::getBinNumAlt ( const HyperPointSet coords) const

get multiple bin numbers at the same time. This should speed things up drastically if the binning is disk resident, because random access of a TTree is incredibly slow.

Definition at line 275 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

int HyperBinning::getHyperBinningDimFromTree ( TTree *  tree)

Look at the tree that contains the HyperBinning and find the dimensionality

Definition at line 691 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

virtual HyperVolume HyperBinning::getHyperVolume ( int  volumeNumber) const
pure virtual

get one of the HyperVolumes

Implemented in HyperBinningMemRes, and HyperBinningDiskRes.

int HyperBinning::getHyperVolumeNumber ( int  binNumber) const

get the HyperVolume Number from the bin number

Definition at line 461 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

HyperCuboid HyperBinning::getLimits ( ) const

return the limits of the binning. This value is cashed for speed - when the binning changes the cashe will automatically be updated.

Implements BinningBase.

Definition at line 530 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

int HyperBinning::getNumBins ( ) const

Get number of bins (this is NOT the number of HyperVolumes!!! - see the class description for more details)

Implements BinningBase.

Definition at line 430 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::mergeBinnings ( const BinningBase other)

This function will merge the two binnings. It assumes that the first

Implements BinningBase.

Definition at line 639 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::save ( TString  filename) const

Save the HyperBinningMemRes to a TFile.

Implements BinningBase.

Definition at line 777 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::save ( ) const

Save the HyperBinningMemRes to the open (and in scope) TFile.

Implements BinningBase.

Definition at line 795 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::saveHyperVolumeToTree ( TTree *  tree,
double *  lowCorner,
double *  highCorner,
const HyperVolume hyperVolume 
) const

Save a single HyperVolume to a tree - this involves looping over every HyperCuboid in the HyperVolume.

Definition at line 734 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::savePrimaryVolumeNumbers ( ) const

Save the list of Primary Volume Numbers to the open (and in scope) TFile.

Definition at line 749 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::setDimension ( int  dim)

Set the dimension of the HyperBinning. This can only be called once, when it is known what dimesnion it is.

Reimplemented from BinningBase.

Reimplemented in HyperBinningMemRes, and HyperBinningDiskRes.

Definition at line 18 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::updateAverageBinWidth ( ) const

update the _averageBinWidth HyperPoint. Will usually be called from updateCash()

Definition at line 541 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::updateBinNumbering ( ) const

Update the member variables _binNum and _hyperVolumeNumFromBinNum. Will usually be called from updateCash()

Definition at line 482 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::updateCash ( ) const

Update the cash which includes the mutable member variables _binNum, _hyperVolumeNumFromBinNum, _averageBinWidth, and _minmax.

Definition at line 471 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

void HyperBinning::updateMinMax ( ) const

Update the miniumum and maximum values, _minmax, in the cashe. Will usually be called from updateCash().

Definition at line 568 of file HyperBinning.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

CachedVar<HyperPoint> HyperBinning::_averageBinWidth

< keep a record to check if the binning changes - if so _binNum, _hyperVolumeNumFromBinNum, _averageBinWidth, and _minmax need to be redetermined. store the a Hyperpoint giving the average bin width in each dimension. This is calculated once, and reused.

Definition at line 93 of file HyperBinning.h.

CachedVar<std::vector< int > > HyperBinning::_binNum

Every HyperVolume has a Bin Number, although these will be -1 if it's not a true bin, and just part of the bin hierarchy. These numbers run from 0 to nBins - 1. In the below example

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
_binNum = { -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 3, 4, 0 1 }
HyperVolume Numbers
Bin Numbers
| 0 | 1| 2 | 3 | 4 |

Definition at line 101 of file HyperBinning.h.

CachedVar< std::vector< int > > HyperBinning::_hyperVolumeNumFromBinNum

The opposite of the member _binNum. This gives the HyperVolume number from the Bin Number. In the below example

0 1 2 3 4
_hyperVolumeNumFromBinNum = { 7, 8, 4, 5, 6 }
HyperVolume Numbers
Bin Numbers
| 0 | 1| 2 | 3 | 4 |

Definition at line 130 of file HyperBinning.h.

CachedVar<HyperCuboid> HyperBinning::_minmax

store the HyperCuboid that surrounds the binning. This is calculated once, and reused.

Definition at line 97 of file HyperBinning.h.

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