HyperPlot  v1
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CachedVar< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class CachedVar< T >

HyperPlot, Author: Sam Harnew, sam.h.nosp@m.arne.nosp@m.w@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om , Date: Dec 2015

Used for variables we want to cache. Provides a flag that tells us when the cached variable needs updating

Definition at line 24 of file CachedVar.h.

#include <CachedVar.h>

Public Member Functions

 CachedVar (const T &var=T())
void changed ()
void updated ()
T & get ()
const T & get () const
CachedVaroperator= (const T &other)
 operator const T & ()
bool isUpdateNeeded ()

Private Attributes

bool _needsUpdate

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