HyperPlot  v1
Bin and visualise multidimensional datasets
Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
HyperName Class Reference

Detailed Description

HyperPlot, Author: Sam Harnew, sam.h.nosp@m.arne.nosp@m.w@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om , Date: Dec 2015

Holds a n-dim vector of names that can be associtated to a n-dim Histogram (for axis titles etc). Also possible to store the units.

Definition at line 24 of file HyperName.h.

#include <HyperName.h>

Public Member Functions

 HyperName (int dim)
 HyperName (std::vector< TString > names)
 HyperName (TString name0)
 HyperName (TString name0, TString name1)
 HyperName (TString name0, TString name1, TString name2)
 HyperName (TString name0, TString name1, TString name2, TString name3)
 HyperName (TString name0, TString name1, TString name2, TString name3, TString name4)
void setUnits (TString units)
void setUnits (TString units, int dim)
TString getAxisString (int dim)
int getDimension () const
HyperName slice (std::vector< int > sliceDims)
const TString & at (int dim) const
TString & at (int dim)
 ~HyperName ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< TString > _names
std::vector< TString > _units

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HyperName::HyperName ( int  dim)

Fill HyperName with the standard names {var_0, var_1, ...}

Definition at line 5 of file HyperName.cpp.

HyperName::HyperName ( std::vector< TString >  names)

Fill HyperName with a std::vector<TString> of names

Definition at line 15 of file HyperName.cpp.

HyperName::HyperName ( TString  name0)

Make a 1D HyperName with the given name

Definition at line 23 of file HyperName.cpp.

HyperName::HyperName ( TString  name0,
TString  name1 

Make a 2D HyperName with the given names

Definition at line 30 of file HyperName.cpp.

HyperName::HyperName ( TString  name0,
TString  name1,
TString  name2 

Make a 3D HyperName with the given names

Definition at line 39 of file HyperName.cpp.

HyperName::HyperName ( TString  name0,
TString  name1,
TString  name2,
TString  name3 

Make a 4D HyperName with the given names

Definition at line 50 of file HyperName.cpp.

HyperName::HyperName ( TString  name0,
TString  name1,
TString  name2,
TString  name3,
TString  name4 

Make a 5D HyperName with the given names

Definition at line 63 of file HyperName.cpp.

HyperName::~HyperName ( )


Definition at line 147 of file HyperName.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

const TString& HyperName::at ( int  dim) const

access an element of the name vector

Definition at line 50 of file HyperName.h.

TString& HyperName::at ( int  dim)

access an element of the name vector

Definition at line 51 of file HyperName.h.

TString HyperName::getAxisString ( int  dim)

Make a TString sutable for an axis title for a given dimension.

Definition at line 96 of file HyperName.cpp.

void HyperName::setUnits ( TString  units)

The the units of every dimension to be the given TString

Definition at line 78 of file HyperName.cpp.

void HyperName::setUnits ( TString  units,
int  dim 

The the units of the given dimension to be the given TString

Definition at line 86 of file HyperName.cpp.

HyperName HyperName::slice ( std::vector< int >  sliceDims)

Slice (remove) the given dimesnions, and return new HyperName

Definition at line 114 of file HyperName.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<TString> HyperName::_names

vector of names

Definition at line 26 of file HyperName.h.

std::vector<TString> HyperName::_units

vector of units

Definition at line 27 of file HyperName.h.

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