HyperPlot  v1
Bin and visualise multidimensional datasets
Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
StatisticsFinder Class Reference

Detailed Description

HyperPlot, Author: Sam Harnew, sam.h.nosp@m.arne.nosp@m.w@gma.nosp@m.il.c.nosp@m.om , Date: Dec 2015

Used to find statistics for a dataset.

Definition at line 16 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

#include <StatisticsFinder.h>

Inheritance diagram for StatisticsFinder:
MeanFinder MinMaxFinder WidthErrorFinder WidthFinder

Public Member Functions

 StatisticsFinder (bool mean=1, bool width=1, bool widthError=1, bool keepOrderedEvents=0)
double median () const
double numEvents () const
void add (const double &x, const double &weight=1.0)
double mean () const
double meanError () const
double varience () const
double width () const
double widthError () const
double expX () const
double expX2 () const
double expX3 () const
double expX4 () const
double secondCentralMom () const
double fourthCentralMom () const
const double & getMin () const
const double & getMax () const
double range () const
virtual ~StatisticsFinder ()

Private Member Functions

bool needOrderedEvents () const
void warnIfWeightedEvents () const
bool notEnoughInformation (const double &val) const

Private Attributes

double _min
double _max
double _nEvents
double _wSum
double _wSum2
double _wSum3
double _wSum4
double _sumW
int _keepOrderedEvents
std::vector< double > _orderedEvents

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

StatisticsFinder::StatisticsFinder ( bool  mean = 1,
bool  width = 1,
bool  widthError = 1,
bool  keepOrderedEvents = 0 

In the constuctor you decide what things you want to be stored once you start adding values. This will determine what statistics you are able to calcuate later

Definition at line 11 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

StatisticsFinder::~StatisticsFinder ( )


Definition at line 182 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void StatisticsFinder::add ( const double &  x,
const double &  weight = 1.0 

Add a value (with optional weight) to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 74 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::expX ( ) const

calculate and return the expectation value of X

Definition at line 132 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::expX2 ( ) const

calculate and return the expectation value of X^2

Definition at line 140 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::expX3 ( ) const

calculate and return the expectation value of X^3

Definition at line 148 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::expX4 ( ) const

calculate and return the expectation value of X^4

Definition at line 156 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::fourthCentralMom ( ) const

calculate and return the second central moment

E[(X - E(X))^4] = E[X^4] - 4E[X]E[X^3] + 6E[X]^2 E[X^2] - 3 E[X]^4

Definition at line 175 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

const double& StatisticsFinder::getMax ( ) const

max value added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 63 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

const double& StatisticsFinder::getMin ( ) const

min value added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 62 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::mean ( ) const

calculate and return the mean

Definition at line 97 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::meanError ( ) const

calculate and return the error on the mean

Definition at line 104 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::median ( ) const

The median

Definition at line 51 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

bool StatisticsFinder::needOrderedEvents ( ) const

A warning that is shown if ordered events are needed (but haven't been stored)

Definition at line 30 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

bool StatisticsFinder::notEnoughInformation ( const double &  val) const

A warning that is shown if not enough information has been provided to calculate what you want

Definition at line 63 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::numEvents ( ) const

numer of events added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 44 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::range ( ) const

max - min value added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 65 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::secondCentralMom ( ) const

calculate and return the second central moment

E[(X - E(X))^2] = E[X^2] - E[X]^2

Definition at line 166 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::varience ( ) const

calculate and return the varience

Definition at line 111 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

void StatisticsFinder::warnIfWeightedEvents ( ) const

A warning that is shown if the value being returned is meaningless because weights have been used

Definition at line 42 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::width ( ) const

calculate and return the width

Definition at line 118 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

double StatisticsFinder::widthError ( ) const

calculate and return the error on the width

Definition at line 125 of file StatisticsFinder.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

int StatisticsFinder::_keepOrderedEvents

Keep a list of the values added (so the median can be found)

Definition at line 31 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::_max

The largest member added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 19 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::_min

The smallest member added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 18 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::_nEvents

The number of events added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 21 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

std::vector<double> StatisticsFinder::_orderedEvents

list of the values added

Definition at line 32 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::_sumW

The sum of weights

Definition at line 26 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::_wSum

The weighted sum of values added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 22 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::_wSum2

The weighted sum of values^2 added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 23 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::_wSum3

The weighted sum of values^3 added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 24 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

double StatisticsFinder::_wSum4

The weighted sum of values^4 added to the StatisticsFinder

Definition at line 25 of file StatisticsFinder.h.

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